AI Name Generator

Create New Names Based on Your Name's Meaning

Transform your name into its cultural equivalent with our AI-powered name generator. Discover the cultural meaning behind your new name and explore diverse naming traditions.

Multiple Languages

Generate names in various languages and cultures with just one click.

AI-Powered Accuracy

Our advanced AI ensures culturally appropriate and meaningful name translations.

Name Meaning Insights

Get detailed explanations of your generated name's cultural significance and meaning.

User-Friendly Interface

Easy to use for anyone interested in exploring international names.

Chinese Name Generator

Chinese Name Generator

Discover the magic of Chinese names! Our AI Chinese Name Generator helps you create authentic Chinese names with ease. Whether you're looking for Chinese name inspiration for creative writing or curious about your own Chinese name, we generate names that blend traditional and modern elements perfectly. Each Chinese name is carefully crafted, combining Chinese cultural heritage with contemporary aesthetics. Try our Chinese Name Generator now and find your perfect Chinese name!

Generate Chinese Name
Japanese Name Generator

Japanese Name Generator

Experience the elegance of Japanese names! Our AI Japanese Name Generator helps you create authentic Japanese names. Using advanced AI technology, we not only generate Japanese names but ensure each Japanese name is rich in cultural meaning. From traditional to modern styles, our Japanese Name Generator masters all aspects of Japanese naming. Start now and let AI craft your unique Japanese name!

Generate Japanese Name
Korean Name Generator

Korean Name Generator

Explore the charm of Korean names! Our AI Korean Name Generator specializes in creating authentic Korean names. Each Korean name is thoughtfully designed, balancing traditional Korean naming rules with modern sensibilities. Whether you're a K-pop fan or Korean language learner, our Korean Name Generator will create the perfect Korean name for you. Try it now and discover your personal Korean name!

Generate Japanese Name

About SmartName

SmartName is your name generation platform! We offer Chinese Name Generator, Japanese Name Generator, and Korean Name Generator services. Through advanced AI technology, we can transform your name into authentic Chinese names, Japanese names, or Korean names. Each generated name is culturally adapted, ensuring it maintains the essence of the original name while conforming to target language naming traditions. Whether you're a writer, language learner, or someone interested in cross-cultural names, you'll find the ideal name transformation service here.